LightSquared Witness Predicts FCC Airwave Approval by ‘15

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Philip Falcone’s LightSquared will probably get US regulatory approval to use its wireless spectrum by 2015 and may buy more airwaves, a member of a special committee of the company’s board told a bankruptcy judge.

“I believe they will allow the spectrum to be used terrestrially,” Christopher Rogers, a member of a committee specializing in airwave issues, told US Bankruptcy Judge Shelley Chapman in Manhattan.

He was testifying at the outset of what may be a multiday hearing in which LightSquared is seeking final approval of its plan to exit bankruptcy. Rogers cited two meetings with the Federal Communications Commission in December. T

The agency also has some airwaves right next to LightSquared’s slice of the spectrum, and the company could make a bid should they go up for auction, Rogers said. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration currently uses some of that spectrum.

LightSquared Witness Predicts FCC Airwave Approval by ‘15