Live Streaming Breaks Through, and Cable News Has Much to Fear

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Cable news has functioned as the harrowing background soundtrack to much of 2015 and 2016. In covering terrorist attacks, protests against the police and a presidential election whose daily antics seem tailor-made for the overheated ethos of cable, Fox News, CNN and MSNBC have all won huge increases in viewership. But as they say on cable, we’ve just gotten word of some breaking news — and it’s not pretty.

Recently, the biggest story in the country was dominated by live-streaming apps made by Facebook and Twitter. Historians of television news often cite the 1991 Gulf War as the breakthrough moment for cable — a conflict that proved there was a market for round-the-clock coverage of the sort that CNN was offering. For most humans, the recent police shootings, the subsequent protests and the mass assassination of police officers in Dallas (TX) were a tragic commentary on modern American race relations. But for that subspecies of humans known as television executives, the events might also have functioned as an alarming peek at a radically altered future. What we saw was live streaming’s Gulf War, a moment that will catapult the technology into the center of the news — and will begin to inexorably alter much of television news as we know it. And that’s not a bad thing. Though it will shake up the economics of TV, live streaming is opening up a much more compelling way to watch the news.

Live Streaming Breaks Through, and Cable News Has Much to Fear Livestreaming video is great for TV news! (Revere Digital)