The Low Power FM Application Window Is Fast Approaching

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In August we had our first of two webinars on how communities and non-profit organizations can apply for new low-power FM radio station licenses during the next window, October 15 – 29, 2013. The webinar allowed viewers to ask questions directly to Bureau staff. We were delighted to answer many questions during the session and have continued to respond to your inquiries since then. The second webinar will be held on Thursday, October 3.

Before this next session, we want to give you these reminders and highlights on a number of important issues:

  • First and foremost, don’t forget you can start filling out your Form 318 application online now!
  • Second, remember that, while you do not need a 501(c)(3) certification, you must be organized as a nonprofit educational institution, corporation, or entity under your State’s laws, as of the date of the application filing, to be eligible to apply for an LPFM license.
  • Third, we will permit organizations in a community to work together to file a single Form 318 application.
  • Fourth, please bear in mind that it is the specified applicant on the application who must intend to carry out the station construction and operation described in the application.
  • Fifth, schools and universities can apply for an LPFM station.
  • Finally, filing a Form 318 application is just the first step in getting an LPFM construction permit and eventually an LPFM license. If your Form 318 for an LPFM construction permit is granted, the next steps are: (1) begin construction; (2) obtain the station’s call sign through the broadcast call sign reservation and authorization system; and (3) when construction is finished, begin program testing and file the Form 319 application for a low power FM broadcast license.

The Low Power FM Application Window Is Fast Approaching