LRG Finds 80 Percent Penetration of VOD or DVR Service

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New market research from Leichtman Research Group (LRG) illustrates the household penetration of video-on-demand (VOD) and digital video recorder (DVR) is on the rise and highlights the extent to which subscribers are consuming video content in US homes. A DVR, Netflix, telecommunication company or cable video-on-demand (VOD) service is present and used in 8 of 10 US households, according to LRG, which surveyed 1,214 households across the US for its 14th annual ¨On-Demand TV XIV¨ report. Moreover, LRG found that 30% use two of these services and 13% use three. In addition, nearly 6 in 10 (57%) subscribe to a streaming VOD (SVOD) service – either from Netflix, Amazon Prime and/or Hulu. Nearly half (48%) of adults stream such services every month, LRG highlights. Additional takeaways from LRG’s latest research report include:

  • 77% of those ages 18-24 stream an SVOD service monthly — compared to 63% of ages 25-44, 50% of ages 45-54, and 23% of ages 55+
  • 37% of all adults stream Netflix weekly — compared to 8% in 2010
  • 83% of Netflix streaming users watch Netflix on a TV set

LRG Finds 80 Percent Penetration of VOD or DVR Service Liechtman Research Group Press Release (LRG press release)