Martin Discusses FCC Agenda On Way To Electronics Show

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[SOURCE: Technology Daily 1/10, AUTHOR: Andrew Noyes]
FCC Chairman Kevin Martin made a pit-stop on his way to the Consumer Electronics Show, telling a Citigroup conference that the agency's focus will be to continue pursuing a communications environment that enables companies to deliver new services to more customers at fair prices. Continued convergence and competition in the industries regulated by the FCC is guiding Martin's mission as he discussed his agency's priorities at Citigroup's annual entertainment, media and telecommunications conference. On the network neutrality debate, which likely will consume many lobbyists and lawmakers in the 110th Congress, Martin said the buzzword "means different things to different people." Chairman Martin said he believes consumers should be able to tap free Internet content without being blocked, and that the commission has taken the steps necessary to enforce that principle. At the same time, network operators who have invested in high-speed infrastructure understandably want to offer tiers of service, he said. The trouble lies in differing interpretations of "nondiscrimination" and whether the government should require equal treatment of broadband content, Chairman Martin continued. The FCC traditionally has defined nondiscrimination more conservatively than the Internet firms and consumer groups that want a federal net neutrality mandate, he indicated.
See also:
* FCC Chairman talks around net neutrality

Martin Discusses FCC Agenda On Way To Electronics Show