McDowell Expands on FCC Reform Proposal
At a Federal Communications Bar Association luncheon in Washington Monday, FCC Commissioner Michael McDowell came to praise FCC Chairman Michael Copps, not bury him. The topic of the day was FCC reform. He said all three FCC commissioners share the goals of boosting employee morale; promoting greater transparency; creating a more informed, collaborative and considerate decision-making process; and encouraging meaningful and effective public comment. Commissioner McDowell recapped his ideas about how to get there. He wants a thorough operational, financial and ethics audit of the Commission and its related entities, such as the Universal Service Administrative Company and the Federal Advisory Committees, an audit that answers these questions: What is the current condition of the FCC and its related entities? How do they operate? McDowell also proposes a series of "town hall" meetings at the FCC's Washington headquarters, at a few field offices, as well as in a few cities around the country for the general public to attend. He wants to examine the FCC's contracting process, as well as the processes relating to the collection and distribution of administrative and regulatory fees currently conducted exclusively by the Office of Managing Director. He believes there should be an examination of the Commission's assessment of fees.
McDowell Expands on FCC Reform Proposal McDowell Praises Copps As Acting FCC Chairman