The media malpractice destroying American politics
[Commentary] Mitt Romney wasn’t unfairly maligned in 2012. But he was victim of a toxic media and political culture. American politics has always been brutish. But changes in the media over the last half-century, along with an intense focus on every word candidates say and every mistake they make has resulted in saturation coverage of peccadillos and blunders rather than policies. This may be a good business model for the media, and effective politically, but it has undermined attempts by both parties to overcome polarization and govern.
Instead of trying to shame Democrats and the media, Republicans lamenting Mitt Romney’s treatment ought to focus on reorienting our politics and media coverage to focus on issues and qualifications, instead of dissecting and nitpicking each sentence and facial expression. The result might be smaller ratings, but would be a far healthier democracy.
[Brian Rosenwald is a senior fellow at the Fox Leadership Program at the University of Pennsylvania]
The media malpractice destroying American politics