Mid-Band Spectrum Update

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This white paper provides an overview of current and potential new mid-band and extended mid-band spectrum availability in the United States over the next several years, including technical characteristics and challenges, as well as policy and regulatory landscape. The realization of new bands in these spectrum ranges depends on several developments, including studies and solutions for coexistence with incumbent services. There are currently no bands in the spectrum pipeline in the US. A spectrum pipeline provides investment certainty by identifying frequencies bands where regulatory and possible legislative action is planned. A spectrum pipeline assures that spectrum considerations are receiving proper attention with the objective of having spectrum available in the proper timeframe. A spectrum pipeline should prioritize the availability of lower range of frequencies in the mid-band range, as they will benefit the industry the most. Lower range mid-band such as spectrum in the range of 3 – 8 GHz will help with coverage layer for both 5G and next G’s. The Federal Communications Commission and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration in conjunction with industry should create a spectrum pipeline.

Mid-Band Spectrum Update