Misconceptions about KentuckyWired
[Commentary] In the interest of openness and transparency, the Kentucky Communications Network Authority (KCNA) would like to address some statements about KentuckyWired that have appeared in the public forum lately. KCNA would like Kentucky’s citizens to be properly informed.
KentuckyWired will be helping private industry. KentuckyWired is building a “Middle Mile” network — the primary purpose of which is to give broadband service to state agencies. The network will also be the middle mile between the global internet and any company or organization leasing access to the network’s extra capacity. KentuckyWired will be an ultra-high-speed, high-capacity network to which the private internet service providers (ISPs) can connect. Think of it like a major highway with exit ramps into every county. KentuckyWired is not competing with ISPs so much as facilitating them and making it easier for them to reach places where they previously could not, or would not, go.
[Phillip Brown is the director of KCNA]
Misconceptions about KentuckyWired