Mobile TV: A dagger in the heart of America's video franchising and must-carry laws?
[SOURCE: Truth, Justice & Telecom Policy, AUTHOR: J.H. Snider]
[Commentary] If cable, satellite, and wired telephone companies are subject to must-carry and video franchising regulations, why aren't mobile TV operators? In the current debate over the rewrite of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, these questions aren't being asked, just like the significance of the Internet wasn't considered a factor when the Telecommunications Act of 1996 was being written. But Snider suggests that from here on out any discussion of broadcast TV policy that doesn't include mobile TV is missing the 800 pound gorilla in the room. We can dispute whether the gorilla is 100 pounds or 800 pounds, but we cannot dispute that there is a gorilla in the room.
Mobile TV: A dagger in the heart of America's video franchising and must-carry laws?