Monopoly ISPs Too Big to Make Good on Covid-19 Internet Offers

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Many national Internet service providers (ISPs) have introduced free and discounted plans to keep people connected during the crisis (though there are still holdouts). The charity of these companies is commendable, but their plans still leave many people disconnected, forcing them to choose between staying safe at home and accessing essential services. Eligibility oversights leave out households in need, and overwhelmed call centers make signing up for programs difficult. In many cases, families are falling through the cracks simply because the national ISPs are too big and too monopolistic to catch them. These are the diseconomies of scale that make monopoly ISPs less able to fulfil their vital role of connecting Americans, both in normal times and during a national emergency. To account for these failures, advocates, including the National Digital Inclusion Alliance and Public Knowledge, are pressing the federal government to establish some sort of free broadband program nationwide.

Monopoly ISPs Too Big to Make Good on Covid-19 Internet Offers