More Open Internet Workshops
The Federal Communications Commission announced the dates, times, and locations of the January public workshops for the FCC's open Internet proceeding. These workshops will explore the impact of the Internet's openness on consumers, innovation, and investment.
The next public workshop will occur on Jan. 13, 2010 at 5 p.m. at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge, Mass. and will address innovation, investment, and the open Internet.
It will be followed by a workshop on consumers, transparency, and the open Internet on Jan. 19, 2010 starting at 1 p.m. in the Commission meeting room.
Agendas for the Jan. 13 and Jan. 19 workshops will be made available in early January. All workshops will be open to the public.
The dates, locations, and topics for additional spring workshops for the open Internet proceeding will be announced in early 2010.
More Open Internet Workshops