Municipal Broadband Debate: Should Broadband be Free?
[Commentary] The municipal broadband debate often centers on the role municipal governments should play in delivering broadband to its citizens. Many municipals are entering the broadband access business by building and operating their own networks. Others are building public-private partnerships and inviting private broadband access providers to work in concert with them for better broadband. Danbury (CT) is adding an interesting twist to this debate, by suggesting a public-private municipal broadband service should lead to free broadband service.
The concept, according to a Danbury News Times report, would have a private broadband service provider build and operate a broadband network that offers a minimum 20 Mbps service. The service would be offered for $15/month for five years, then drop to $5/month for an additional five years. The service would then become free. The idea is this approach would pay for the network and the eventual ‘free’ access will prevent a digital divide, as well as bring economic development to the region. At least that’s how Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton sees it. “After five years, because the infrastructure will be built out, it will go down to $5 a month, and then five years after that the rate should go down to zero,” Mayor Boughton said. “It will be self-sustaining with new enrollees.” The Connecticut city is conducting a phone survey of its citizens to gauge interest. Mayor Boughton says that at least 50% of the city’s 50,000 residents need to support the concept for it to work.
Municipal Broadband Debate: Should Broadband be Free?