Municipal Broadband Is Roadblocked Or Outlawed In 26 States
April 18, 2019
The climate for municipal broadband has worsened significantly since our last report in 2018. There are now 26 states with laws on the books that either roadblock or ban outright municipally-owned broadband networks. These laws — some of them passed just last year — point to a growing tension between state lawmakers and municipal, county and local governments, whose interests seem often at odds with one another. The telecom industry’s lobbying efforts have had tangible ramifications on state laws governing municipal broadband. In fact, over $92 million was spent on lobbying in 2018 alone to protect business interests at the national and state level.
Municipal Broadband Is Roadblocked Or Outlawed In 26 States Report: 26 States Now Ban or Restrict Community Broadband (Vice)