NAB’s Hail Mary Attempts to Thwart Wireless Industry Innovation Need to Stop
[Commentary] The question of how to enable America’s wireless future is an issue that should be settled on the facts. The facts, on which the Federal Communications Commission is basing its position, clearly suggest the broadcasters are hoarding spectrum. They are throwing “Hail Mary” passes, trying to do and say whatever they can to keep unused or underused spectrum to themselves. If we are forced to wait because some groups don't want to be paid for their unused spectrum, then we'll deprive American consumers of the fast-paced and cutting-edge innovation they have come to expect and love from our industry. That situation is unacceptable for the wireless industry, as it should be for anyone who cares about American competitiveness. That is why we’re so emphatic about this issue.
NAB’s Hail Mary Attempts to Thwart Wireless Industry Innovation Need to Stop