NAB and Martin: is the magic gone?
[SOURCE: tvnewsday, AUTHOR: Harry A. Jessell]
[Commentary] Although television broadcasters have unveiled a $700 million consumer education campaign, FCC Chairman Kevin Martin told Congress Wednesday that the Commission may still require TV stations to air public service announcements about the digital television transition. Why? At the National Association of Broadcasters press conference about the education campaign, NAB President David Rehr and Barrington’s Jim Yager, who was there to represent the station community, danced around questions about when PSAs would air. You couldn't pin them down on how many would be seen in primetime. Asked about it, Yager talked about the importance of reaching viewers in other dayparts. That’s true enough, but it sounded like he really wasn't interested in giving up any of his primo spots. But if Chairman Martin and Members of Congress don't trust broadcasters, the thing for them to do is buy time right where they want it, right where it will have the most impact, right in the middle of American Idol. "A total TV budget of $700 million sounds just about right to me," Jessell concludes.
NAB and Martin: is the magic gone?