NCTA Warns Against Telecommunication Equipment Rip-And-Replace Efforts

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NCTA-The Internet & Television Association said the Federal Communications Commission should not expand its ban of suspect tech identified as a threat to network security beyond participants in the FCC's Universal Service Fund broadband subsidy program. It said applying it to all networks regardless of whether or not the USF funds exceeds the FCC's authority and would duplicate efforts by other agencies. "There is no legal basis for the Commission to move from conditioning eligibility for a program it is statutorily authorized to administer on removal of certain equipment, to simply banning equipment or components from any company’s network," NCTA said. NCTA pointed out that a blanket ban on the use of Huawei and ZTE or other suspect tech would have "far-reaching" consequences. It pointed out that Congress has not gone that far, and the FCC shouldn't either. 

NCTA Warns Against Suspect Tech Ban's 'Unintended Consequences'