Net-Enabled Appliances Can Save Energy

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The idea of using the Internet to cut energy use is gaining traction, with a number of startups launching online energy dashboards and in-home displays that supply information about how much you're using and at what cost. Information is power, they argue, and the research proves them right. One British study found that energy management systems can help cut residential electricity use by as much as 15%. Most of the products currently on the market require consumers to react to the information provided, either through timed schedules or immediate actions: High prices? Don't run the dryer. Critical peak period? Run down to the basement and turn down the water heater. But for monitoring systems to really pack an energy-savings punch, the information needs to be instantly actionable, with limited input required by the end user. That's where your Web-surfing refrigerator comes in.

Net-Enabled Appliances Can Save Energy