Net neutrality should be Silicon Valley’s next fight

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[Commentary] Silicon Valley is rightly focused on President Donald Trump’s immigration order. But it should be gearing up for another fight that’s vital to both tech companies and their customers. Network neutrality is in the crosshairs again. Ajit Pai, the new chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, has made it clear that he’s no fan. He’s already halted a net neutrality-related investigation launched by hi predecessor and recently reaffirmed his belief that, one way or another, the “days are numbered” for the Open Internet rules. Advocates think internet users — who flooded the FCC with comments in support of net neutrality — played the key part in getting the rules in place and will play a crucial role in defending them. But they are hopeful the tech industry will have their backs. The tech companies “have a responsibility, in my opinion, to not only stand up for their users, in terms of their policy positions, but to fight for them,” said Evan Greer, a campaign director at Fight for the Future.

Net neutrality should be Silicon Valley’s next fight