Nets, Stations Push Back On Retransmission Via

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Broadcast networks and their affiliate associations have teamed up with broadcast groups, mobile digital broadcasters and others to launch, which will advocate for broadcast retransmission consent rights in the ongoing battle with cable operators in Washington.

The National Association of Broadcasters has taken the lead on pushing back against cable operator arguments that retransmission blackouts are a growing trend and an example of an unfair system skewed toward broadcasters. That argument has been made mostly by the American Television Alliance (ATVA) which includes Time Warner Cable and satellite operators, among others. The National Cable & Telecommunications Association recently signaled it was moving from the sidelines to take a more active role in the retransmission debate. Now broadcasters are launching an ATVA-like coalition to add more firepower on their side of the contentious fight. ATVA has cited blackouts to argue for retransmission changes including mandatory arbitration and standstills, as well as pushing the FCC to crack down on joint sales and services agreements it argues are end runs around local ownership rules in service of joint retransmission bargaining that unfairly favors broadcasters. The group made no secret of their effort to counter ATVA. "Time Warner Cable, DirecTV and DISH, among other pay-TV providers, initiated an intense public relations campaign aimed at getting government assistance to bypass the existing system that, today, fairly compensates broadcasters," the group said in announcing their formation.

Nets, Stations Push Back On Retransmission Via Stations, Nets Unite To Battle Retrans Foes (TVNewsCheck)