Network Attached Storage Forecast Driven by Video Surveillance
Consumer demand for network storage will fuel the market for consumer and small and medium-sized business network attached storage (NAS) to grow at an 11% compound annual growth rate from 2016 to 2020, according to a network attached storage forecast from Technavio ICT. In addition to growing demand for personal data back-up storage, growing use of networked video surveillance services is driving consumer and SMB NAS market expansion, Technavio ICT highlights about the network attached storage forecast. Other drivers will include ongoing increases in the number of connected home devices and growing demand for reliable, secure data storage solutions. Connected 24x7x365 video camera surveillance feeds require a lot of storage and processing, more than on-site home and SMB servers can provide, Technavio ICT analysts note. That’s going to make the use of NAS devices a requirement.
Network Attached Storage Forecast Driven by Video Surveillance