New Language Floated On Digital Audio Piracy

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Public Knowledge circulated language that it said the recording industry wants lawmakers to include in upcoming legislation on the transition to digital television. The language, purportedly crafted by the Recording Industry Association of America, would authorize the FCC to implement rules specifying that digital audio broadcasters must encrypt their signals -- and that digital audio manufacturers must make devices capable of decrypting the broadcasts. The language also would allow the FCC to prohibit the use of software programs to snag segments of programming from broadcasts. "We hear that the a candidate for: a) the so-called "policy" DTV bill, if one emerges; or b) a floor amendment when the budget resolution goes to the floor," Public Knowledge Communications Director Art Brodsky said. He was referring to the budget reconciliation process, which Congress has begun to undertake this week. Both Public Knowledge and the Consumer Electronics Association oppose including the proposal in upcoming legislation.

New Language Floated On Digital Audio Piracy