New York Law School’s Advanced Communications Law Project Institute Releases Papers Updating Muni Broadband Projects
The Advanced Communications and Law Policy Institute at New York Law School issued two papers on muni broadband on December 19, 2016. The first is an updated case study of Bristol, Virginia, which said the government-owned broadband network in Bristol, which had been touted by the Federal Communications Commission as a “good example of the potential of community broadband,” has failed and is in the process of being sold to a private company. The second paper is a policy briefing on government-owned networks (GONs), and evaluates a number of major GON-related developments since the ACLP’s April 2016 update, including the Tennessee v. FCC appellate decision and recent developments in various GONs throughout the country.
Updated Case Study of Government-Owned Broadband Network (Bristol paper)
New York Law School’s Advanced Communications Law Project Institute Releases Papers Updating Muni Broadband Projects GONs Update (Government-Owned Networks paper)