New York Times Editor Unsure if Reporters are Print or Digital – and That’s a Good Thing
The executive editor of the New York Times, Jill Abramson, does not fetishize print newspapers and says the NYT’s editorial integrity is as strong as ever. Her remarks suggested that, despite financial hiccups and a mini-contretemps over a new CEO, the celebrated publication’s day-to-day operations are in good hands.
Abramson, who has been in the job for a year, made the remarks during a freewheeling interview with Henry Blodget at Business Insider’s Ignition conference in New York. She offered a frank and confident appraisal of the Times and the evolving business of news. In response to a question about how the Times divides up the newsroom between print and digital reporters, Abramson says most staff no longer fit into one category or the other. She does not oversee “the paper” or “the web” but rather a global product she calls simply “the new report.”
New York Times Editor Unsure if Reporters are Print or Digital – and That’s a Good Thing