Newspaper-TV Marriage Shows Signs of Strain

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[SOURCE: Washington Post, AUTHOR: Frank Ahrens]
Television once was a coveted partner of newspapers. Executives talked of synergy between the two media, with newspaper reporters broadcasting their expertise on television, and TV stations providing a wider reach for the print brand. The high profit earned by TV stations, as much as 40 percent during years when the stations are fattened by political advertising, was seen as crucial to the bottom lines of newspaper companies. But even though TV stations still are profitable, they no longer enjoy the dominance they did in days before cable and the Internet. And in many places, the newspaper and television cultures never meshed. Television has not provided the hoped-for advertising relationships, either. Increasingly, newspapers are turning instead to the Web to help them land national advertisers. What happened to spoil the newspaper-television marriage? Mostly, the YouTube and MySpace interlopers.
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Newspaper-TV Marriage Shows Signs of Strain