Nielsen: TV Proliferates, Mobile Ads OK, If Apps Free

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The latest Nielsen report says over one-third of U.S. television homes now have four TV sets.

In a report released in conjunction with the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nielsen says this means some 35.9 million homes -- out of 114.7 million overall homes -- have four or more television sets. Homes that have more than three TVs -- 28.3 million. Those who own more than two TVs number 32.7 million. This trend also is part of more advertising home and away. For example, Nielsen says when it comes to ads as part of apps on new digital mobile devices, 51% of consumers are OK with advertising on their devices -- if they can access content for free. The survey also says while free apps are preferred by mobile consumers, many take on a combination of both free and paid apps --- now averaging a total of 33 apps on their device.

Nielsen: TV Proliferates, Mobile Ads OK, If Apps Free State of the Media (Nielsen)