Nine state attorneys general back AT&T in Time Warner appeal

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A group of nine state attorneys general backed AT&T as the Justice Department asks a federal appeals court to reverse approval of the company’s $85.4 billion acquisition of Time Warner. It “is rare for the federal government to pursue an antitrust case involving major, national companies without any state joining the effort,” the nine state officials said in a court filing, noting that no states have filed briefs supporting the Justice Department’s appeal. “It is notable that the district court - after a six-week trial, during which it heard numerous witnesses and reviewed thousands of pages of exhibits - found the federal government’s case to be without merit. That determination validates the States’ decision and is entitled to substantial deference,” the brief said. The nine attorneys general are from AL, GA, KY, LA, NM, OK, SC, UT, and WI.

Nine state attorneys general back AT&T in Time Warner appeal AGs Back AT&T in TW Merger Suit (Multichannel News)