No, AT&T hasn't created internet fast lanes. But...

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Is AT&T carving out lanes on the internet and offering the speediest service to the highest bidder, while leaving all other internet traffic relegated to "slow lanes"? Not exactly. AT&T hasn't introduced a new service that explicitly prioritizes one type of traffic over another. But that doesn't mean that it isn't offering other services that might run afoul of the strict network neutrality restrictions that are set to expire soon. 

Do sponsored content services violate the 2015 net neutrality rules? No. In fact, the Federal Communications Commission specifically said sponsored content, in a practice known as "zero rating," is not prohibited under the rules. It recognized that there could be benefits to consumers, such as lower cost of service. But the agency also realized that depending on how the plans were structured, it could also put competitors at a disadvantage.

No, AT&T hasn't created internet fast lanes. But...