'No Phone Zone' rallies join texting fight

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Drivers in at least 30 states plan to participate today in Oprah Winfrey's "No Phone Zone" campaign, when viewers pledge to refrain from using their cellphones while driving.

The Governors Highway Safety Association, which represents state highway safety offices, sees Winfrey's campaign as a "potential tipping point" in the fight against texting while driving. "There's no better or more powerful ally than Oprah," says GHSA spokesman Jonathan Adkins. "She has the potential to be the MADD (Mother Against Drunk Driving) for texting and distracted driving. When Oprah speaks, people listen. In this case, when Oprah speaks, we expect people to put down the phone while driving." The effort is supported by the U.S. Department of Transportation, GHSA, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, FocusDriven, a non-profit group combating the problem, and SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions). States will use social media, variable message signs along highways and traditional media to get the message out.

'No Phone Zone' rallies join texting fight