Nokia First to Self-Certify for BEAD Program BABA Requirements

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Nokia says that it will self-certify a number of products as being manufactured in the United States and okay to use in the $42.45 billion Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program. The self-certifications are mandated by the requirements of the Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act. Nokia says it is the first vendor to have completed self-certification. The Nokia press release links to a webpage that lists 21 products that it has certified. The FX and MF OLT modular product lines, the SF-8M sealed OLT, and the XS-220X-A ONT were highlighted in the press release. Products that are self-certified are added to a page on the Department of Commerce’s website. Certification requires an officer of the company to attest to compliance. False self-certification can lead to fines or imprisonment. 

Nokia First to Self-Certify for BEAD Program BABA Requirements