NSA reformers to Sen McConnell: You have one 'viable' option left

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Two key supporters of the House-passed National Security Agency reform bill are amplifying their calls for the Senate to pass the legislation. Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) said the USA Freedom Act "is the only bill" that can pass the Senate before the end of the weekend. "Passage of the USA FREEDOM Act remains the only viable legislative option that will bring real reform and ensure no lapse in intelligence authorities," the two said in a statement. "The House-passed bill is the only bill the Senate can pass and send to the President before Sunday night’s deadline."

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) wants to extend those provisions, but was repeatedly blocked early Saturday morning, and a "clean" extension of the law appears unlikely. Sens Leahy, Goodlatte and other supports of the USA Freedom Act are using the current stalemate over how to move forward on the intelligence agency's program to redouble their efforts to pass for the reform legislation

NSA reformers to Sen McConnell: You have one 'viable' option left