NTCA Launches Gig Certified Program for Rural Telecommunication Companies
NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association has announced a gigabit certification program for its rural telecommunication company members, reminding us that rural telcos have made substantial progress in deploying gigabit services. “By becoming a Certified Gig-Capable Provider with NTCA, you will join a national campaign to celebrate rural networks that support gigabit speeds and help us show the world how independent telecom providers are delivering the Internet of tomorrow -- today,” wrote the NTCA.
Companies that receive certification will be allowed to use NTCA’s “Gig Certified” logo on their marketing materials and will be recognized in NTCA media, on the NTCA website and during association conferences and events. Certification will be on an exchange-by-exchange basis, and a third-party engineering firm will need to provide a letter confirming that a service provider can deliver gigabit service to at least 95 percent of the locations in each exchange for which it is requesting certification. Applicants also must be NTCA members and must pay a $250 fee each time they submit an application.
NTCA Launches Gig Certified Program for Rural Telecommunication Companies