NTCA Survey Highlights Significant Risks of Skyrocketing Consumer Bills, Plummeting Broadband Investment, and Loans in Peril if Universal Service Fund Support were Eliminated

NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association is releasing the results of a survey it conducted of members on how the potential disruption of Universal Service Fund (USF) support could affect rural consumers, broadband investment in rural America, and the viability of existing rural broadband networks. The survey was conducted in August 2024 following a July decision finding the system for contributions to the federal USF unconstitutional and remanding the matter to the Federal Communications Commission. Significant findings include: 

  • If USF support were eliminated, rural Americans’ broadband rates could skyrocket.
  • If USF support were eliminated, broadband network investments could drop significantly in the coming years.
  • If USF support were eliminated, there is substantial potential for default on outstanding network construction loans, including many held by the federal government. 

NTCA Survey Highlights Significant Risks of Skyrocketing Consumer Bills, Plummeting Broadband Investment, and Loans in Peril if