NTIA’s Strickling defends framework protecting online privacy
Assistant Commerce Secretary Lawrence Strickling remains adamant that the Obama administration can partner with industry and public interest stakeholders to create a robust, fair and enforceable framework for protecting Americans' privacy online.
At a Hudson Institute event, Strickling said he understands that misuse and theft of personal data can cause financial risk and identity fraud. But there are harms "that go beyond financial," he said, harms that "are more difficult to quantify" because while they may not leave victims poorer, they leave them "filled with embarrassment ... surprised and shocked." The goal of the privacy process, he said, will be to prevent abridging the Internet's role as "an amazing engine for economic growth" and to "preserve the trust between all actors on the Internet." That trust is fragile, he said, not only for consumers but also to industry because if consumers don't think their information is protected, they will pull their business. He said privacy regulations must be formed "in a way that will protect innovation" because to do otherwise would hurt the Internet economy.
NTIA’s Strickling defends framework protecting online privacy