NTIA, FCC, Navy Work to Expand Innovative 3.5 GHz Spectrum Sharing Framework

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), the Department of the Navy (DON) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) have successfully collaborated to expand the unencumbered service area of a critical swath of shared mid-band spectrum. Modifications to the aggregate interference model used in the 3.5 GHz band would allow the Citizens Broadband Radio Service, or CBRS, to provide uninterrupted access to mid-band spectrum that supports wireless Internet and other services to approximately 72 million more people. After careful coordination with the DON and the FCC, NTIA formally submitted a request to change the aggregate interference model in a letter to the FCC on Tuesday. The FCC issued a Public Notice to endorse the changes and to invite Spectrum Access System administrators to submit demonstrations of their ability to implement the modified protection criteria.

NTIA, FCC, Navy Work to Expand Innovative 3.5 GHz Spectrum Sharing Framework NTIA, FCC, Navy Work to Expand Innovative 3.5 GHz Spectrum Sharing Framework