NTIA Looks to Stakeholders to Help Shape its International Agenda
June 4, 2018
In a notice of inquiry, we are asking all interested stakeholders – businesses, civil society groups, the technical community, academics, and the general public – to provide us with comments and recommendations. The input we receive will inform NTIA's international Internet policy priorities going forward. Four broad topic areas and some key questions we think are especially important:
- The Free Flow of Information and Jurisdiction. Governments around the world are blocking access to websites, curtailing online freedoms and imposing restrictions on the free movement of data. These restrictions threaten to undermine the economic, social and educational benefits of the Internet. How should the U.S. government push back on these practices? And how can we engage with partners more effectively?
- Multistakeholder Approach to Internet Governance. NTIA has been a strong advocate for the multistakeholder approach to Internet governance and policy development. What more can NTIA do to promote this approach? Within ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee, NTIA has been working on issues related to preserving access to WHOIS domain name registry services in light of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Are there any other activities related to the domain name system that NTIA should pursue? How can NTIA raise national awareness about our longstanding engagement in the Internet Governance Forum?
- Privacy and Security. Cybersecurity risks pose a threat to security and can hinder economic growth and innovation. This global problem cannot be solved in isolation, and will require international coordination. We want to know more about how threats to privacy and security – and governments’ responses to those threats – are impacting international commerce.
- Emerging Technologies and Trends. NTIA’s policy efforts related to new and emerging technologies is possible only because of dedicated engagement from American industry. We want risk-taking American entrepreneurs to have access to global markets for their digital products and services. We expect that in the coming years, our focus will increasingly be on artificial intelligence, automated workforces, blockchain technologies and more. We want to know how we should participate in international discussions of these issues.
Comments are due July 2, 2018.
NTIA Looks to Stakeholders to Help Shape its International Agenda Notice of Inquiry on International Internet Policy Priorities (see the NOI)