Obama’s Work to Limit Mergers May Stop With Trump Administration

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A nascent effort by the Obama administration to limit corporate consolidation, begun after officials concluded that a lack of competition was hurting the American economy, appears to be coming to an abrupt end as the Trump administration takes charge.

President-elect Donald J. Trump railed against media company mergers on the campaign trail, promising to block the proposed combination of AT&T and Time Warner, but conservatives and liberals alike say they see no evidence President-elect Trump will be worried about the continuing rise of megacompanies in other parts of the economy once he takes office. “So far the pattern seems to be a pretty traditional deregulatory agenda, which is at odds with the campaign but not at odds with the Republican Party,” said K. Sabeel Rahman, a law professor at Brooklyn Law School who writes about antitrust issues. “So I’m pretty skeptical that there will be an aggressive push on these issues.”

Obama’s Work to Limit Mergers May Stop With Trump Administration