ONC panel wrestles with meaningful use by specialists
On Tuesday, the Health IT Policy Committee confronted the problem of how to craft a manageable set of requirements for the "meaningful use" of health information technology across an industry where specialties and new practice variations are common - and where one policy may not fit all. The advisory panel for the Office of the National Coordinator has recommended to the Health and Human Services Department 25 clinical and quality measures that physicians and hospitals must meet in 2011 to be eligible for Medicare and Medicaid incentive payments under the stimulus law. Those measures were geared for what is normally a patient's first encounter with the health system: the primary care physician. But many specialists - who do not treat a wide range of diseases and conditions - may not be able to comply with all the current 2011 requirements. "Not all objectives and measures are appropriate for all eligible professionals," said Paul Tang, vice chairman of the Committee and chief medical information officer at Palo Alto Foundation. As a result, the committee must decide which of the 25 meaningful use measures should apply to specialists so they still can qualify for 2011 incentive payments - and which requirements to delay introducing til 2013 and 2015.
ONC panel wrestles with meaningful use by specialists