Only 21% of Twitter members are active, report says

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A report compiled by Barracuda Networks, an e-mail and Web security company, concludes that only 21% of people now signed up for Twitter use it regularly. "Moreover, today there are 34% of users who have not tweeted since they created an account," said Paul Judge, chief research officer at Barracuda Networks, in the report. "While that still seems like a fairly high percentage of inactive accounts," he noted that the percentage of inactive users is down from 37% in June 2009, "demonstrating that people are becoming more active."

The study reports that 17% of Twitter users have no followers at all, a significant improvement over the 30% who had no followers in June of 2009. The study also found that 61% of Twitter users today have less than five followers, compared to 70% last June. Getting more than 10 followers seems to be a big hurdle since a whopping 74% of Twitterers have less than 10 followers. The latter figure does represent a slight improvement from 80% last June though. The report also said that 51% of Twitter users currently follow fewer than five people.

Only 21% of Twitter members are active, report says