OPASTCO: Broadband universal service must fund served as well as unserved areas

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A Q&A with Ron Laudner, CEO of Iowa-based OmniTel Communications and recently-elected chairman of the Organization for the Promotion and Advancement of Small Telecommunications Companies.

He says of the Federal Communications Commission's Feb 8 meeting: "What’s going to come out next week will change the focus from the National Broadband Plan to the rules and regulations that cover broadband and how the FCC will deal with that. [The focus will be on] the transition to a broadband industry and there will be some rules and guidelines we will have to follow to get there and there will be [a request for] comments [about that.] The FCC will say, 'This is what we want. Tell us how we should get there.'"

OPASTCO: Broadband universal service must fund served as well as unserved areas