Out-Of-The Box Fuels Over-The-Top, Broadband Vies With TV

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There has been a sharp increase in out-of-the-box video viewing for over-the-top television. With the growth of Netflix and other services, a new Accenture survey indicates that 49% of U.S. and U.K. consumers are viewing some over-the-top (OTT) video through a broadband connection via their TV sets. The researcher says the 49% level represents a sharp increase in OTT video consumption from the 8% level that Accenture last measured among viewers in March 2011. In terms of actual subscriptions for the likes of Netflix and other services, the research says in the U.S., 27% of those surveyed subscribe to OTT services, with subscriptions in the U.K. at 26%.

Out-Of-The Box Fuels Over-The-Top, Broadband Vies With TV