Patent debate shifts to the Senate

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Patent reform advocates are focusing their attention on the Senate now that the House has passed the Innovation Act, authored by Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlate (R-VA).

The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing Dec. 17 on the Patent Transparency and Improvements Act, authored by Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Sen Mike Lee (R-UT). When defending his bill to the House Rules Committee, Rep Goodlatte highlighted the similarities between his Innovation Act and the Senate bill, and pointed to a National Review piece he and Sen Lee had written about their shared views on patent reform. Sen Leahy applauded the House’s vote on the Innovation Act: “Targeted reforms should address abuses in the system while ensuring that legitimate inventors can continue to succeed and grow our economy. I look forward to working through the Committee process in the Senate to achieve this goal.”

Patent debate shifts to the Senate