A Policymaker’s Guide to Rural Broadband Infrastructure

With discussion of a potential infrastructure package at some point in the Trump Administration that many rightfully hope will include rural broadband, it is worth examining previous attempts to spur rural broadband service, revisiting the basic policies used to encourage broadband deployment in those geographies where the economics do not support competitive delivery, and distilling guidance for any new attempts at the same.

Congress should take the opportunity to support a major infrastructure package by designating a portion of the funds for broadband deployment to rural and lessdensely populated areas. But to do this effectively, any program should be designed to follow the principles articulated in this report. This report first lays out an overview of infrastructure policy more generally, then examines how those high-level principles should apply in the broadband context. Next, it discusses existing rural broadband programs with an eye toward their successes and shortcomings. It then discusses some available policy tools on the table for a future push for rural broadband deployment before offering concluding principles that should guide any future broadband infrastructure legislation.

A Policymaker’s Guide to Rural Broadband Infrastructure