Predicting Wheeler: Where will the new FCC chairman fall on net neutrality?

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[Commentary] In the coming months, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals will issue an opinion on network neutrality -- the idea that Internet service providers can’t discriminate on packets traversing their networks. Already many analysts are anticipating a whole or partial setback for the Open Internet Order issued by the Federal Communications Commission that codifies the idea of net neutrality. So now, analysts have moved on to ask “What will Wheeler do?” FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is the man of the hour. As a former lobbyist for both the cable and cellular industry he has had close ties to companies that would like to see the Open Internet Order overturned. His statements on the topic have been vague when it comes to the need for an open Internet, and so far he has given some truly worrisome answers about congestion or pricing models for the internet. Now, as the courts are presumably nearing an opinion the question is what will Chairman Wheeler do. Part of this will depend on what the court decides, but the options are pretty much appeal or ask lawmakers for some legislative as opposed to regulatory solution. While some legislators are angling to reopen legislation on the telecommunications industry, that’s a long process. As for an appeal, we’re back to that WWWD question.

[Dec 26]

Predicting Wheeler: Where will the new FCC chairman fall on net neutrality?