President Trump Takes Aim at the Press, With a Flamethrower
[Commentary] Yes, mistrust of the media was growing even before President Donald Trump emerged on the political scene. But this much is unmistakable: The president is significantly adding to what is, without question, the worst anti-press atmosphere I’ve seen in 25 years in journalism, and real, chilling consequences have surfaced, not just in the United States, but around the world.
What seemed to particularly sting on Aug 23 was the way that Trump had impugned journalists’ patriotism. “Claim bias. Fine. Claim elitism. Fine,” Jim VandeHei, chief executive of Axios, wrote on Twitter. “But to say reporters erase America’s heritage, don’t love America, turn off cameras to hide truth, are to blame for racial tension, is just plain wrong.” Anyone with a passing interest in history knows that the founders viewed an independent press as essential to democracy. Talk about heritage.
President Trump Takes Aim at the Press, With a Flamethrower