Presidential Policy Directive -- United States Cyber Incident Coordination
While the vast majority of cyber incidents can be handled through existing policies, certain cyber incidents that have significant impacts on an entity, our national security, or the broader economy require a unique approach to response efforts. These significant cyber incidents demand unity of effort within the Federal Government and especially close coordination between the public and private sectors.
This Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) sets forth principles governing the Federal Government’s response to any cyber incident, whether involving government or private sector entities. For significant cyber incidents, this PPD also establishes lead Federal agencies and an architecture for coordinating the broader Federal Government response. This PPD also requires the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security to maintain updated contact information for public use to assist entities affected by cyber incidents in reporting those incidents to the proper authorities.
Presidential Policy Directive -- United States Cyber Incident Coordination Annex for Presidential Policy Directive -- United States Cyber Incident Coordination (Annex) Presidential Policy Directive on United States Cyber Incident Coordination (White House fact sheet)