Principles for an ‘Internet Bill of Rights'

Coverage Type: 

A set of consumer data privacy regulations principles for an ‘Internet Bill of Rights.’ You should have the right:

(1)       To have access to and knowledge of all collection and uses of personal data by companies;

(2)       To opt-in consent to the collection of personal data by any party and to the sharing of personal data with a third party;

(3)       Where context appropriate and with a fair process, to obtain, correct, or delete personal data controlled by any company and to have those requests honored by third parties;

(4)       To have personal data secured and to be notified in a timely manner when a security breach or unauthorized access of personal data is discovered;

(5)       To move all personal data from one network to the next;

(6)       To access and use the internet without internet service providers blocking, throttling, engaging in paid prioritization, or otherwise unfairly favoring content, applications, services, or devices.

(7)       To internet service without the collection of data that is unnecessary for providing the requested service absent opt-in consent;

(8)       To have access to multiple viable, affordable internet platforms, services, and providers with clear and transparent pricing;

(9)       Not to be unfairly discriminated against or exploited based on your personal data; and

(10)   To have an entity that collects your personal data have reasonable business practices and accountability to protect your privacy.

Principles for an ‘Internet Bill of Rights'