Privacy Groups Push FTC Action on Kid-Connected Devices

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Consumer groups want the Federal Trade Commission and retailers to crack down on Interconnected toys and smartwatches to protect kids' privacy. 

It has been a year since the groups, which include Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, the Center for Digital Democracy, Consumer Action, Consumer Federation of America, filed a complaint with the FTC about two toys, Caylaa and i-Que Intelligent Robot because they collect and analyze what children say and respond to it. They alleged there was inadequate notice of what the toys were doing or protection of the information creating "A risk of stalking and physical danger."  The call for action comes as the FTC is being given more oversight of the internet following the FCC decision to eliminate most of its net neutrality rules and make the FTC the primary enforcer of internet openness. 

Privacy Groups Push FTC Action on Kid-Connected Devices