Project 2025's Plan for the NTIA

Seven recommendations to allow the Department of Commerce to assist the next President in implementing a bold agenda to deliver economic prosperity and strong national security, including: 

  1. Support free speech and hold Big Tech accountable. Immediately conduct a thorough review of federal policy regarding free speech online and provide policy solutions to address Big Tech’s censorship of speech.
  2. Expand utilization of federal spectrum. Begin short-term, temporary leasing of government-allocated spectrum to ensure optimum utilization while preserving federal agency use rights.
  3. Defend U.S. interests in international bodies. Strong representation at the International Telecommunication Union should protect the interests of both private and government users of spectrum. The U.S. has differing needs from many other countries, for instance, because of U.S. government satellites and the commercial space industry. NTIA should work with the U.S. delegation to ensure maximum adoption of the U.S. position.
  4. Review FirstNet. Evaluate the performance and long-term value proposition of FirstNet in view of modern technologies that will render it obsolete.
  5. Set fresh priorities in broadband grant programs. Reevaluate broadband grant programs and, when possible, establish Administration priorities in how each grant is structured. First and foremost, widespread deployment of infrastructure is needed for 5G adoption in rural and exurban areas, which will be a key factor in future economic competitiveness for these underserved communities.

Project 2025's Plan for the NTIA