Proposal for the Creation of a Rural Fiber Fund
[Commentary] Goal: Wire all of rural America with full fiber networks. Why Fiber? Because "broadband" in the 21st century means fiber. Only fiber has the capacity to support the next generations of big bandwidth applications. Because "broadband infrastructure" equals fiber. It requires the most jobs to deploy, delivers the biggest economic boost, and provides world-class, future-proof connectivity. Because rural communities can't compete in the 21st century with 20th century broadband. How Will This Stimulate the Economy? $1 billion spent deploying broadband infrastructure creates 19,500 jobs. $1 billion of new broadband infrastructure adds $10 billion to the GDP. Using fiber aids rural communities in attracting, growing, and retaining local businesses; becoming energy efficient; improving healthcare and education systems; and more. How? partial loan guarantees and matching grants. How Fast Will It Work? At least $1 billion worth of shovel-ready projects will start hiring in Q1 '09. How big? Two installments of $10 billion.
Proposal for the Creation of a Rural Fiber Fund